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Page history last edited by Tracy H 9 years, 4 months ago

Free Verse

I changed my longbow with a bow with many gears

I took a deep breath and looked at the small yellow area of the massive target

I pulled the strings on the bow

Others got whiplash from the weight of the bow


The first arrow landed on the blue area

The second on the red

I was down to my last arrow

I took a breath and let the arrow fly through the airv




I got the last one on the area where I wanted it to be



yellow middle




Concrete/Picture Poem

Delicious slice of sauce with a slight amount of cheese

    Made in the oven to form a circle of doughy crust

       Topped with variety of spices and sausage on

         the bottom layer. A steaming hot soft crust

            Taste the sausage with the spices and

               See the reason why this is the thing

                 I write about. Slices upon slices

                   Of this, delicious Italian food

                         Pizza is the name

                              Eat it and see

                                   What it


ABC Poem








  Haiku Poem

Darkness growing from

The bitter cold fighting men

Dead because of war



Acrostic Poem







There once was a man who followed

a alligator and it swallowed

a blue striped snake whole

The alligator was now full

you can still hear when the snake holloed.




           Hateful, bloody

      Fighting, arguing, killing

Hating, hurt, grieve, unhappiness  




 ABC Poem








Acrostic Poem






  Haiku Poem

Hope grows whenever

We see beautiful things in

Life so keep hope here.



Comments (16)

Trenten M said

at 8:31 am on May 21, 2015

I like the picture poem because it make a point at the end and I didn't see that in any other poems

Natasha G. said

at 8:51 am on May 21, 2015

I like the ABC poem because I could think that I am there.

BrianneR said

at 8:53 am on May 21, 2015

I like the pizza poem because it shows how much you like pizza.

Pauline C said

at 8:57 am on May 21, 2015

I like the limerick that you wrote, it made me laugh

Levi L. said

at 8:58 am on May 21, 2015

I like your Bow and Arrow poem because I like shooting the Bow

Megan K said

at 9:02 am on May 21, 2015

I liked the limerick poem you wrote, it was out there which I enjoyed.

Emma P said

at 9:04 am on May 21, 2015

I enjoyed your Acrostic poem because it was so simple..

Joey S. said

at 9:08 am on May 21, 2015

I like your pizza one because it shaped like a pizza and I know how much you like pizza.

EveHJ said

at 9:10 am on May 21, 2015

I love all of your poems because they describe how you feel about things.

Jocelyn K said

at 9:19 am on May 21, 2015

I enjoyed your picture poem because you described the pizza.

SierraF said

at 9:36 am on May 21, 2015

I know how much you like pizza. Great job on the pizza poem.

Stryker L. said

at 9:39 am on May 21, 2015

I like the bow poem because it shows how concentrated you have to be to shoot long bows or any bow

Tanner G said

at 9:42 am on May 21, 2015

I like the abc one because it has some interesting words in it

Mady T. said

at 9:46 am on May 21, 2015

I like your last Haiku poem. It is very graceful. I liked it a lot. Good job Tracy

Lexi R said

at 8:55 am on May 22, 2015

I like the concrete/picture poem because I know how much you like pizza! That poem is so you!

Dylan B said

at 9:01 am on May 22, 2015

I like all your acrostic poems that are cool.

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