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Page history last edited by Dylan D 9 years, 4 months ago


Track  (Free Verse)

The Running

In circles,

The Sweating

from the


There he was,

Down and ready,

For the 100 Meter,

The gun goes off.


He sprints, He’s

Pushing as hard

as he could,

He finished,

He hears his time,

He was astonished,

At what he had gotten,

IT was A


A WHOLE 12:00

Seconds Flat,

HE was ecstatic,

That one race,

Made his team win.


 Football (Free Verse)


There we were,

on the 10

yard line,

10 seconds

left in the


Down by 3


The QB calls

for the snap,

There is goes

into the QB’s


He looks for

good pass,

and throws,

Its going through

the air,




He caught it,

they get the


Then they won




It’s dark,




The wind is


The dog,






MY BURGER!!!  Concrete/Picture Poem


                 Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun

                         Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce

                              Burger Burger Burger Burger

                                Ketchup Ketchup Ketchup

                                          Pickles Pickles

                              Burger Burger Burger Burger

                         Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce

                   Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun Bun


Ice Cream  Concrete/Picture Poem



                      MINT MINT

                 MINT MINT MINT





              BOWL BOWL BOWL

                    BOWL BOWL



Pickles  (Free Verse)


There they are,

Just Sitting in the Jar,

Being Green and Still,

Just waiting to be taken,

Just there being Juicy


BasketBall (Free Verse)


There we are On the court,

With the smell of sweat,

Hustling down the court,

Waiting for the play,

Calling the Timeout,

Discussing the plan


Abandoned House (Free Verse)


When the clock

Struck 12,

There was a howl

Next Door,

The creaking on


While walking to

the door,

While The Wind

Cracks and Screams,

It's like they are screaming

at me


Summer (Free Verse)


Just standing there,

Soaked up Like a

Fish with no water,

Blazing hot,

With no shade to be


There I saw a

Jelly Bean,

In the ground

Like a Submarine






Motivation (Wingspark)


I Hope

Odell Beckham Jr

Came to my football game

Help us make a play

With his advice and wisdom




Comments (20)

Brennan I said

at 1:16 pm on May 20, 2015

The one about Track and the 100 dash is cool.

Tristen M said

at 10:02 am on May 21, 2015

The one about Track is about you and I like that.

Joel G said

at 10:14 am on May 21, 2015

I like you abounded house one because it is suspenseful.

Trey D said

at 10:29 am on May 21, 2015

I like the track one because it's true, I would be pretty proud if I had a 12 seconds flat.

Brady F said

at 12:02 pm on May 21, 2015

I like the pickle one because it was clever.

Macoy b said

at 12:06 pm on May 21, 2015

I like the track one because i wish i could run that in 12 seconds flat

Mike B said

at 12:10 pm on May 21, 2015

I liked your night poem, its so true.

Payten L said

at 12:11 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your summer poem because you compare the jellybean to a submarine and I can visualize it in my head. Good job.

ashia g said

at 12:17 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your summer poem beacuse you compares the jelly bean to a submarine

Emily J. said

at 12:18 pm on May 21, 2015

i like the pickle one because pickles are in jars just sitting there

Lilly M said

at 12:18 pm on May 21, 2015

i love you pickles poem because i bet that what i pickle think every day!

Austin M. said

at 12:19 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your track one because I like running.

Sage M said

at 12:19 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your "Track" poem because you can actually feel the excitment.

Mia g said

at 12:22 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your Abandoned house because we don't know what happens next.

KarleeC said

at 12:30 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your pickles poem because it describes them so well!

austin K said

at 12:31 pm on May 21, 2015

I liked the summer one because I got really hot in the summer.

Kenny G. said

at 12:38 pm on May 21, 2015

I like your pickle poem because I like pickles, and you described them pretty good.

Ezra S said

at 1:44 pm on May 21, 2015

I really like your motivation poem.

Claire H said

at 9:35 am on May 22, 2015

I liked "Basketball" because I could relate to the thrill of the game.

Leinissa T said

at 10:06 pm on May 22, 2015

I like you Abandon House poem, I like when you describes the sound, action, how you make it creepy,and scary.

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